Privacy Policy

General information


At Melanie Culbreath, we strive to protect your privacy at all times, it is at the very core of our ethics.

This Privacy Policy is an electronic record in the form of an electronic contract formed under applicable data protection laws wherever the data is located. This Privacy Policy does not require any physical, electronic or digital signature.

This Global Privacy Policy (Privacy Policy) describes the information that Melanie Culbreath collects about you, how we use and protect this information which you provide us when you use our website and mobile application. Please take a moment to read our Privacy Policy so that you know what choices you can make about how we use this information and how you can correct or update your information.

This Privacy Policy is published and shall be construed in accordance with the provisions of applicable Data Protection Laws and General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) as approved by European Union (EU) Parliament Regulation (EU) 2016/679 commencing from May 25th, 2018 that require publishing of the privacy policy for collection, use, storage and transfer of sensitive personal data or information.

The terms ‘We’ / ‘Us’ / ‘Our’ individually and collectively refer to Melanie Culbreath and the terms ‘You’ /’Your’ / ‘Yourself’ refer to the users.

By using Melanie Culbreath’s website, you indicate that you understand and agree to this Privacy Policy. If you do not agree with the terms of this Privacy Policy, please do not use this website.


Scope and Consent:


You accept this Privacy Policy when you sign up for, access, or use our products, services, content, features, technologies or functionality, features offered through this website and mobile application (hereinafter referred as “Services”). This Privacy Policy intended to govern the use of the website and mobile application and it appears in the footer of our website.

By using our Services and/or registering for an account with us, you are accepting this Privacy Policy and Terms of Use, you are consenting to our collection, use, disclosure, retention, transfer, and protection of your information and personal information as described in this Privacy Policy. If you Choose not to provide the information we require, you may not be able to take advantage of many of our features of the website and our Services.

Your privacy is of the utmost importance to us. We do not publish, sell or rent your personal information to third parties for their marketing purposes without your explicit consent.


Personal Information:


‘Personal Information’ is information relating to an identified or identifiable natural person; an identifiable person is one who can be identified, in particular by reference to an identifier such as a name, an identification number, location data, online identifier or to one or more factors specific to the physical, physiological, genetic, mental, economic, cultural or social identity of that natural person. We do not consider Personal Information to include information that has been made anonymous or aggregated so that it can no longer be used to identify a specific person, whether in combination with other information or otherwise. As its name suggests, ‘Sensitive Information’ is a more sensitive subset of personal information and if such information is considered sensitive under applicable law then it will be handled in accordance with such laws. Further, we also collect mobile number, email id, address, educations records, past employment records.

We collect, use, disclose, transfer, and store personal information when needed to provide our Services and for our operational and business purposes as described in this Privacy Policy. We want to be clear about our Privacy Practices so that you can make informed choices about the use of your information, and we encourage you to contact us at any time with questions or concerns


Information We Collect:


When you use our website and mobile application, we collect and store your Personal Information that is received from you. Our primary goal in doing so is to provide a safe, secure, efficient, smooth experience while using our Services. We only collect Personal Information about you that we consider necessary for achieving the purpose.

We also collect information sent to us by your computer, mobile phone, and other access devices. The information sent to us includes, but is not limited to, the following: data about the pages you access, computer IP address, device ID or unique identifier, device type, geo-location information, computer and connection information, mobile network information, statistics on page views, traffic to and from the sites, referral URL, ad data, and standard web log data and other information. We also collect anonymous information through our use of cookies.

We are committed to safeguarding the privacy of your information. By ‘your information’ we mean any information about you that you or third parties provide to us. We will be transparent in our dealings with you and will inform you about how we will collect and use your information. If we have collected your information for a particular purpose, we will not use it for anything else unless you have been informed and, where relevant or your permission obtained. We will continue to review and assess the quality of our information. We will observe the rights granted to you under applicable privacy and data protection laws and will ensure that queries relating to privacy issues are promptly and transparently dealt with. We will ensure that when we outsource any processes, then such sub-contractors have appropriate security measures in place and will contractually require them to comply with these Privacy Principles and data protection laws

We may transfer your personal information within Melanie Culbreath and/or to other third parties, service providers if required limited to the fulfillment of the purpose. Your personal information may be transferred to, stored, and processed in a country other than the one in which it was collected, this may include the United States. When we do so, we transfer the information in compliance with applicable data protection laws.

Technical and functional management of the Website and mobile application:
When you use our website, we also process technical data such as your IP-address, Device ID or MAC-address, access dates and times, app features or pages viewed, app crashes and information about the manufacturer, model, and operating system of your devices. We use this data to enable us to deliver the functionalities of the website and mobile application, resolve technical difficulties and provide you with the appropriate services (prevent the transmission of spam, viruses and/or unlawful, defamatory, obscene or otherwise undesirable material or content).


Cookie and its Usage:


i) ‘Cookies’ are pieces of information that are stored by your web browser on your computer’s hard disk, for record-keeping purposes. Cookies only identify your computer and not you personally.

ii) We make use of cookies to store your preferences, record session information, collect information on how you visit and access our Services, and to tailor our Services features and functionality to your needs. Most web browsers allow you to turn off cookies; however, turning off cookies will limit your use of our Services. If you do accept a ‘cookie’, you thereby agree to our use of Information collected by us using that cookie.

Personal information from other sources:
If you give us personal information about someone else, you must do so only with their explicit and prior consent. You should inform them how we collect, use, disclose, and retain, transfer their personal information according to our Privacy Policy.

Use and Retention of Personal information:
We may use the information we collect about you to Provide you, maintain, and improve our Services, including, for example, to facilitate send receipts, provide products and Services you request (and send related information), develop new features, provide customer support to users for website and mobile application (i.e. email, telephone etc.) develop safety features, authenticate users, and send product updates and administrative messages;

Process transaction and sent intimation through email and SMS on your registered email id and mobile number as per applicable data protection laws.

Verify your identity, including during account creation and password reset processes;

Sent invoices through email on your registered email id.

Manage risk, or to detect, prevent, and/or remediate fraud or other potentially prohibited or illegal activities;

Detect, prevent or remediate violations of policies or applicable Terms of Use;

Perform internal operations, including, for example, to prevent fraud and abuse of our Services or illegal activities; to troubleshoot software bugs and operational problems; to conduct data analysis, testing and to monitor and analyze usage and activity trends;

Send you communications we think will be of interest to you, including information about products, services, promotions, updates from time to time, where permissible and according to local applicable data protection laws.

Personalize and improve the Services, including to provide or recommend features, content, social connections, referrals, and advertisements.

Geo-location information to provide you with location-based services (such as search results, and other personalized content).

All details disclosed at the time of subscription with consent will be retained as per Privacy Policy as per applicable data protection laws.

We retain your Personal Information as long as it is necessary and relevant in accordance with the provision of applicable data protection laws. In addition, we may retain Personal Information from closed accounts to comply with applicable data protection laws, prevent fraud, resolve disputes, troubleshoot problems, assist with any investigation, enforce our Terms of Use and take other actions permitted or required by applicable data protection laws. After it is no longer necessary for us to retain your Personal Information, we may dispose of it in a secure manner according to applicable data protection law and in accordance with other allied laws.

Subject to applicable law, we shall delete your Personal Information upon your written request, Melanie Culbreath will make reasonable attempts to delete all instance of the information in their entirety.


Disclose of Personal Information:


a) We may disclose your Personal Information with companies, organizations or individuals outside of Melanie Culbreath in order to deliver our Services to you that, in some cases, are targeted for your interests. We minimize the amount of disclosure of Personal Information, we disclose to what is directly relevant and necessary to accomplish the specified purpose. As stated above, we do not disclose your Personal Information to any third parties for their promotional, marketing and advertising purposes without your explicit consent.

b) We may be required to disclose your Personal Information with government authorities and agencies for the purposes of verification of identity or for prevention, detection, investigation including but not limited to cyber incidents, prosecution, and punishment of offenses. You agree and consent for us to disclose your information if so required under the applicable law.

c) All your private communications and other Personal Information will never be disclosed in other than described in this Privacy Policy. By way of example (without limiting the foregoing), we may be forced to disclose Personal Information to the government or stipulated authorities under certain circumstances, third parties may unlawfully intercept or access transmissions or private communications (i.e. unlawful access by the perpetrator). Therefore, although we use industry standard practices to protect your privacy, we do expect that you stay vigilant and responsible for operations under this Agreement.

d) If we were to merge with or be acquired by another company, sale of company assets or restructuring, financing, or acquisition of all or a portion of Our business by or into another company. We may share information with them in accordance with this Privacy Policy. Should such an event occur, we will require that the new combined entity follow this Privacy Policy with respect to your Personal Information. If your Personal Information will be collected, used, disclosed, or retained for any purposes not covered in this Privacy Policy, you will receive prior notification of the processing of your Personal Information for the new purposes.

We seek to store your Personal Information in secure operating environments that are not accessible to the general public. We also ensure that the security measures are in place to protect against the loss, unauthorized access, misuse or alteration of your Personal Information by our employees or third parties, however, no data transmission over the Internet or data storage environment can be guaranteed to be 100% secure, so we cannot give an absolute assurance that the information you provide to us will be secure at all times. We will not be held responsible for events arising from unauthorized access to your Personal Information. We will rely on you for telling us if you experience any unusual events that may indicate a breach in your information security. We will then seek to investigate whether the security breach was related to the data transmissions from our Services and let you know what steps can be taken to rectify the problem. Further action, such as reporting incidents to the police or other relevant authorities, may also be required.


Children’s Privacy:


Our Services are generally not aimed at children. If, however, we collect and use information about children, such as to develop an educational resource, we will comply with industry guidelines and applicable data protection laws.


Third Party Privacy Practices:


This Privacy Policy addresses only the use and disclosure of Personal Information we collect from you. If you disclose your information to others, or if you are directed to a third-party website, their privacy policy and practices will apply. You should review the privacy policies applicable to these third-party services.

We cannot guarantee the privacy or security of your information once you provide it to a third party and we encourage you to evaluate the privacy and security policies of the third party before entering into a transaction and choosing to share your information.

For purpose of providing the Services to you, a third-party service provider associated with Melanie Culbreath and get involved in managing, handling, storage, processing and transmitting information of Melanie Culbreath which includes all sub-contractor, consultant and/or representatives of the third party.


Change in this Privacy Policy:


We reserve the right to change the Privacy Policy at any time by posting the amended terms on this website and we will indicate the effective date when the Privacy Policy is updated. If we make any material changes to the Privacy Policy, we will notify you by sending an e-mail to the e-mail address you most recently provided us or by posting notice of the changes on this site. We request you to periodically review the Privacy Policy from time to time for the recent changes in our privacy practices.